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Linda Louise Schmidt

Linda Louise Schmidt Linda Louise Schmidt


 Linda Louise Schmidt (Rose), 73, of New Ulm, MN, was peace­fully called to her heav­enly home with her hus­band, Rev. John Schmidt by her side, on Sat­ur­day, Aug. 28, 2021, at the Sleepy Eye Care Cen­ter.
Linda was raised in Lomira, where she was con­firmed at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church and grad­u­ated from Lomira High School.
While at­tend­ing high school she met John, and they were mar­ried June 12, 1971.
Dur­ing her hus­band’s min­istry, they lived in Canada, Col­orado, Wis­con­sin and even­tu­ally moved to New Ulm, MN. While work­ing at the Hall­mark store in New Ulm, Linda en­joyed her cowork­ers and cus­tomers until she re­tired in 2012.
Linda qui­etly served her Sav­ior as a Sun­day School teacher and Lutheran Girl Pi­o­neer Leader. She vol­un­teered at the Mar­tin Luther Col­lege food bank and at Oak Hills Liv­ing Cen­ter. While liv­ing in Col­orado, she and her hus­band opened their home for wor­ship ser­vices and she often proof read his ser­mons and de­vo­tions.
Linda en­joyed read­ing, walk­ing, hav­ing an af­ter­noon tea and vis­it­ing chil­dren and grand­chil­dren. She served as an ex­cel­lent role model for her fam­ily and friends, and for stu­dents prepar­ing for min­istry.
Linda is sur­vived by her hus­band, John Schmidt of New Ulm; her chil­dren, Jef­frey (Jenny) Schmidt of Flush­ing, MI, Jason (Shan­non) Schmidt of Tuc­son, AZ, Jody (Ben­jamin) Schar­rer of Hem­lock, MI, and Jill (Grant Bacich) Em­bacher of St. Peter, MN; her broth­ers, Mor­ris Rose, Jacque (Mary) Rose and sis­ter-in-law Janet Rose; her brother-in-law, Jer­ald (Chris­tine) Schmidt; sis­ters-in-law, Joan (Karl) Rusch, Jane (Tom) Thomas, Julie (Michael) Sukowatey, Jacque­line (Philip) Luedtke; her grand­chil­dren, Heidi, Ryan, Justin, Josiah, Samuel, Katie, Molly, Kai­lyn, Evan and Han­nah; and many nieces and nephews.
She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, Ervin and Vera Rose; brother, Arlen Rose; sis­ter-in-law, Bar­bara Rose; and her fa­ther-in-law and mother-in-law, Harold and Vera Schmidt.
   Vis­i­ta­tion will be from 4 to 7 pm on Sat­ur­day, Sept. 4, at the Min­nesota Val­ley Fu­neral Home-North Chapel in New Ulm. The vis­i­ta­tion will con­tinue from 12:30 to 2 p.m. on Sun­day at the Chapel of the Christ on the MLC cam­pus.
Fu­neral ser­vice will be 2 p.m. on Sun­day, Sept. 5, at the Chapel of the Christ on the cam­pus of Mar­tin Luther Col­lege with Rev. Jef­frey Bovee of St. John’s Evan­gel­i­cal Lutheran Church of­fi­ci­at­ing.
Bur­ial will take place at 10 a.m. on Mon­day, Sept. 6, at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Ceme­tery in New Ulm.
   Spe­cial thanks to the staff at Sleepy Eye Care Cen­ter and Al­lina Health Hos­pice.
In lieu of flow­ers, do­na­tions may be given in Linda’s name to Mar­tin Luther Col­lege Stu­dent Aid.
To leave an on­line con­do­lence for her fam­ily, or to sign the guest­book, go to: mvfh.​org

