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Gayle Cecelia Bosch

Gayle Cecelia Bosch Gayle Cecelia Bosch
 Gayle Ce­cilia Bosch, wife, mother and grand­mother, was wel­comed into eter­nal life on Jan­u­ary 2, 2022, with her chil­dren by her side.
Gayle was the youngest of three chil­dren and born to Ce­cilia and Ivo Her­ber in Mil­wau­kee, on De­cem­ber 3, 1933. She at­tended St. Anne Grade School and grad­u­ated from Di­vine Sav­ior High School in 1952. She at­tended one year of school at Alverno Col­lege in the music pro­gram be­fore work­ing full time at Kohl’s Food Store.
Gayle met the love of her life, Ed­ward, while both were work­ing at Kohl’s. They had a courtship full of laughs and friends be­fore mar­ry­ing in 1955. They im­me­di­ately moved to Mayville to seek bet­ter vo­ca­tional op­por­tu­ni­ties. While Gayle hoped it would be a tem­po­rary move, she came to love the small town, raised five chil­dren, and they made it their home the re­main­der of their lives.
While Gayle was rais­ing her fam­ily, she also joined Ed in start­ing his con­struc­tion busi­ness and was re­spon­si­ble for the ac­count­ing of the busi­ness until Dad’s re­tire­ment. As her chil­dren en­tered school, she started work­ing at Ser­vice Print be­fore be­com­ing sec­re­tary at St. Mary’s El­e­men­tary School from which she would re­tire. Her love of music and de­sire to share with oth­ers, nat­u­rally led her to be­com­ing in­volved with the music pro­gram at St. Mary’s, even­tu­ally cre­at­ing beau­ti­ful mu­si­cals and con­certs with the chil­dren. She ac­com­pa­nied and led sev­eral church choirs and played organ dur­ing mass for many years. She was often sought out for fu­ner­als, wed­dings, and solo en­sem­ble con­tests, al­ways en­joy­ing the op­por­tu­nity to share in the love of cre­at­ing music. Gayle was hap­pi­est when she was in­volved with music!
Gayle was ex­tremely ac­tive in her re­tire­ment. She could be seen play­ing the organ on Sun­days in church, call­ing Bingo, vol­un­teer­ing at the Amer­i­can Le­gion along­side Ed­ward, ex­er­cis­ing at the TAG Cen­ter and spend­ing time with fam­ily and friends. She and Ed trav­eled every year and they par­tic­u­larly en­joyed the his­tory of the East Coast. Gayle was de­voted to fam­ily and was often sur­rounded by those who loved her most. She had a close re­la­tion­ship with her grand­chil­dren and was for­tu­nate to have seen them grow into adult­hood and start their own fam­i­lies.
If you knew Gayle, you have ex­pe­ri­enced her in­fec­tious laugh and wit! She loved to tell a good story and it was a joy to wit­ness her en­joy­ment of re­liv­ing the ex­pe­ri­ences. Gayle was a tes­ta­ment to strength and re­silience! She raised strong, in­de­pen­dent daugh­ters, and com­pas­sion­ate and de­voted sons, and this will carry on through her grand­chil­dren and gen­er­a­tions to come.
We love you and will miss you for­ever.
  Gayle is sur­vived by sons, An­thony (Gia) and John (Joy); daugh­ters, Kath­leen (Terry) Brum­mond, Theresa (Daniel) Knaus and Mary (John) O’Neil; sis­ter-in-law, Sis­ter Mar­garet Bosch; 12 grand­chil­dren; four step-grand­chil­dren; and 21 great-grand­chil­dren.
She was greeted in heaven by her hus­band of 65 years, par­ents, broth­ers John and Ivan, and her beloved grand­son, Peter Brum­mond.
A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will be held on Fri­day, Jan. 7, at 2 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church in Mayville with the Rev. Fr. Tom Bier­sack pre­sid­ing.
   A vis­i­ta­tion will be held on Fri­day, Jan. 7, from 12 noon until the time of the ser­vice at 2 p.m. at the church. In­ter­ment will take place at St. Mary Ceme­tery in Mayville.
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. For on­line con­do­lences and other in­for­ma­tion please visit www.​KoepsellFH.​com