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Duane Ketter

Duane Ketter Duane Ketter
   Duane Ket­ter, 81, of Kekos­kee passed away sud­denly at home on July 21, 2024.
   Duane was born on June 23, 1943, in Camp­bell­sport to Henry and Elsie Ket­ter. He at­tended Camp­bell­sport High School and grad­u­ated in 1961. Duane en­listed in the United States Army on July 4, 1964, and served until June 21, 1966, and he was sta­tioned in Fulda, Ger­many. Duane was a mem­ber of the Kekos­kee Fire De­part­ment for many years.
   Duane worked for the De­part­ment of Nat­ural Re­sources as a Wildlife Tech­ni­cian from 1964 and re­tired at 60 years old in 2003. Duane met Mar­garet “Peggy” Weasler at a wed­ding and the cou­ple was mar­ried on Jan­u­ary 25, 1969, in Camp­bell­sport. Duane and Peggy were blessed with two sons, Rob and Mark.
   Duane con­tin­ued his love of na­ture and con­tin­ued to work with the Fed­eral Wildlife Refuge in Hori­con from 2004 to 2021. The past few years, you could find Duane in the gar­den, in his work­shop mak­ing “any­thing” you wanted, or watch­ing a Cubs game and hav­ing a beer in the shop. He was a cross­word puz­zle lover, and went on walks with Peggy at the marsh. Duane was an avid hunter, and loved his dogs. In the early years, he pheas­ant hunted with his dogs and sons. Duane en­joyed turkey hunt­ing, and ap­pre­ci­ated the hunt more than the turkey.
   Duane al­ways found time to at­tend his grand­sons sport­ing events and ac­tiv­i­ties. He was very proud of their ac­com­plish­ments. Duane was known to talk his grand­sons and other fam­ily into card and dice games when they would visit.
   Those Duane leaves be­hind to cher­ish his mem­ory in­clude his wife of 55 years, Peggy; two sons, Robert (An­gela) Ket­ter and their sons, Jake and Kyle and bonus grand­daugh­ter, Mara, all of Oshkosh; Mark (Can­dice) Ket­ter and their sons, Blake and Bran­don (fiancée Olivia) all of Juneau; and spe­cial fam­ily friend, Emily Schae­fer. He is fur­ther sur­vived by sis­ters-in-law, Rose Ket­ter and Alice Ket­ter, both of Camp­bell­sport, Dar­lene Otte of Fond du Lac, Vir­ginia Kum­row of Adell, Bar­bara Eich­steadt of Bruce; and brother-in-law, Oran Weasler of North Fond du Lac; as well as nu­mer­ous nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and many friends.
   In ad­di­tion to his par­ents, Duane was pre­ceded in death by his six broth­ers, Irwin, Elton, Elwyn, Henry, Loren, and Wal­ter; and sis­ter, Joan.
   VIS­I­TA­TION: Duane’s fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends on Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 3, from Noon until 2:30 p.m. at Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice – 15 S Wal­nut St. – Mayville, WI 53050. (Ca­sual dress is pre­ferred.)
   A con­tin­ued cel­e­bra­tion of Duane’s life for fam­ily and close friends will be on Sat­ur­day, Au­gust 3, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Kekos­kee Vil­lage Hall (W3275 County Rd TW, Mayville, WI 53050).
   Myrhum-Pat­ten Fu­neral & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice has been en­trusted with Duane’s arrange­ments. For ad­di­tional in­for­ma­tion or to leave an on­line con­do­lence on the trib­ute wall, please visit www.​myrhum-​patten.​com.