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Marilyn Janet Uelmen

Marilyn Janet Uelmen Marilyn Janet Uelmen

Mar­i­lyn Janet Uel­men, 95, passed away on July 28, 2024, at Gables On The Pond Ran­dom Lake, where she had been a res­i­dent for the last three years.
She was born on April 7, 1929, to Richard and Pearl (Ro­maine) Trapp of New Prospect. Mar­i­lyn grad­u­ated from Camp­bell­sport High School in 1946. She grad­u­ated from UW-White­wa­ter in 1950 with a Bach­e­lor or Ed­u­ca­tion de­gree.
On No­vem­ber 4, 1950, Mar­i­lyn mar­ried Daniel Peter Uel­men in Camp­bell­sport, who pre­ceded her in death on Au­gust 4, 2019.
She taught at Glen­bu­lah and Ran­dom Lake High Schools until 1956, when she and Dan pur­chased Ran­dom Lake Oil Com­pany. To­gether they op­er­ated the busi­ness until their re­tire­ment in 1991.
Mar­i­lyn was a mem­ber of St. John’s UCC in Ran­dom Lake. She was also mem­ber of the Hamm-Miller-Diedrich Le­gion Aux­il­iary.
Mar­i­lyn is sur­vived by her daugh­ter, Rachel (Russ) Miller of Beech­wood; son, Daniel (Sherri) of Ran­dom Lake; grand­son, Daniel Uel­men of Ran­dom Lake; grand­daugh­ters, Robyn (Eric) Hat­ton of Toledo, OH, and Saman­tha Uel­men (spe­cial friend Je­remy In­galls) of Verona, NJ ;and great-grand­son Car­son, Uel­men of Ran­dom Lake. She is fur­ther sur­vived by her brother-in-law, Dou­glas (Eve­lyn) Uel­men of Green Bay; and sis­ter-in-law, Diane Feiten of Colby; along with nieces and nephews.
Along with her par­ents and hus­band, she was pre­ceded in death by her sis­ter, Vir­ginia Trapp; brother, Ger­ald Jan­dre; broth­ers-in-law and sis­ters-in-law, David and Pa­tri­cia Uel­men, Daisy and William Carey, Don­ald and Ann Uel­men, brother-in-law, James Feiten; and grand­son, Rus­sell Miller Jr.
Per Mar­i­lyn’s re­quest, there will be no fu­neral or vis­i­ta­tion. Fol­low­ing cre­ma­tion, a pri­vate grave­side ser­vice will take place at the New Prospect ceme­tery.
The fam­ily wishes to thank the staff at Gables On The Pond Ran­dom Lake and Lily Hos­pice for the won­der­ful care they pro­vided to Mar­i­lyn.
