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Leverne Senn

Leverne Senn Leverne Senn
July 25, 1929 –
Au­gust 16, 2024
 Lev­erne Senn, 95, of Camp­bell­sport, passed away peace­fully on Au­gust 16, 2024 at Hope Health and Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion Cen­ter in Lomira.
  Lev­erne was born on July 25, 1929 to Ben­jamin and Frances (nee Fer­ber) Ablard at the Ablard farm in the Town of Ash­ford. She grew up on the fam­ily farm and at­tended Camp­bell­sport High School where she was a cheer­leader and the class vale­dic­to­rian. She stud­ied Home Eco­nom­ics Ed­u­ca­tion at UW-Stout and was near­ing grad­u­a­tion with hon­ors when polio struck in 1951, leav­ing her par­tially par­a­lyzed for most of a se­mes­ter, de­lay­ing her grad­u­a­tion until 1952. Peter Senn, the love of her life, pro­posed while she was hos­pi­tal­ized. They were mar­ried on Oc­to­ber 5, 1951 while he was on a brief mil­i­tary leave dur­ing his ser­vice in the army.
When Peter was dis­charged from the army, they pur­chased their dairy farm in Camp­bell­sport, and Lev­erne worked for sev­eral years as a home eco­nom­ics teacher. They raised four chil­dren and spon­sored eight for­eign ex­change stu­dents from Ger­many and one from Japan.
Lev­erne served on the Camp­bell­sport School Board for 16 years, serv­ing as clerk of the Board for many of those years. Lev­erne was the gen­eral leader and cloth­ing pro­ject leader of the Camp­bell­sport 4-H club for 33 years as the club grew from a size of 10 mem­bers to over 120. She was on the WI State Fair Park Board of Di­rec­tors for six years, serv­ing as elected chair­per­son for three years. Lev­erne was a faith­ful and ac­tive mem­ber of the Trin­ity Methodist Church in Lomira all her life. She served the church in var­i­ous roles such as plan­ning meals, mak­ing food, and serv­ing at events.
In 1976, Pres­i­dent Ger­ald Ford vis­ited the Senn farm while cam­paign­ing in Wis­con­sin. Lev­erne pre­pared break­fast for Pres­i­dent Ford and the Senn fam­ily after he com­pleted his tour of the farm. She re­ceived the Friends of Ex­ten­sion Award from the UW Ex­ten­sion Ser­vice in 1984. Peter and Lev­erne re­ceived the Mas­ter Agri­cul­tur­ist Award from the Wis­con­sin Agri­cul­tur­ist Mag­a­zine in 1984. Lev­erne was an ac­tive part­ner of Sen­land Farms for over 60 years, ac­tively work­ing in the barn, milk­ing cows and keep­ing the farm fi­nan­cial records until Lev­erne was in her mid 80’s.
Through­out her life, Lev­erne was a de­voted wife, mother, grand­mother, sis­ter, aunt, and friend. She was an ex­cel­lent cook, seam­stress, and gar­dener, kept her home im­mac­u­late, and was ex­cep­tion­ally kind to all. She was a per­fec­tion­ist in all she did and was al­ways will­ing to pa­tiently teach her skills to any­one who was in­ter­ested in learn­ing. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Lev­erne is sur­vived by her four chil­dren, James (Deb­o­rah) Senn of Camp­bell­sport, Deb­o­rah (Larry) Pol­lack of Ripon, Mary Beth (Paul) Schlecht of Franklin, and Daniel (Kim) Senn of Spring­field MO; twelve grand­chil­dren, Chris (Kelly) Pol­lack, Crys­tal (Grant) Wil­son, An­gela (Ricky) Fair­bank, Adam (Kristina) Schlecht, Therese (Je­remy) Keifen­heim, Theodore Senn, Travis (Bethany) Senn, Re­becca Senn, Daniel Senn, Samuel Senn, David Senn, and Rachel Senn; 15 great-grand­chil­dren, sis­ter Lila Ebert, many nieces and nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.
Lev­erne was pre­ceded in death by her dear hus­band Peter on April 3, 2007, par­ents Ben­jamin and Frances Ablard, in-laws Peter and Helen Senn, sis­ter-in-law Es­ther Roth, brother-in-law Jon Ebert, sis­ter-in-law Louise Roth, and brother-in-law John Roth.
Vis­i­ta­tion will be held at Trin­ity Methodist Church, 300 Church Street in Lomira, on Sat­ur­day Au­g. 31 from 9:00 – 12:00. Fu­neral ser­vices will be held at the church fol­low­ing vis­i­ta­tion at 12:00 fol­lowed by a lun­cheon for all. Fam­ily com­mit­tal ser­vice will be held at Union Ceme­tery in Camp­bell­sport.
Memo­ri­als would be ap­pre­ci­ated to Trin­ity Methodist Church or the Fond du Lac County 4-H Adult Lead­ers As­so­ci­a­tion.
Thanks to Hope Se­nior Liv­ing, Hope Health & Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion, and St. Croix Hos­pice for the great care Lev­erne re­ceived since Feb­ru­ary 2020.
Twohig Fu­neral Home is as­sist­ing the fam­ily and on­line guest­book and con­do­lences is at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.