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Rosemary “Rosie” Henning

Rosemary “Rosie” Henning Rosemary “Rosie” Henning

Rose­mary “Rosie” Hen­ning (nee Bruck­ert), 92, of Theresa, passed away Fri­day, Sept. 6, 2024, at The Kathy Hos­pice in the town of Polk (West Bend), sur­rounded by her lov­ing fam­ily.
Rosie was born on Jan­u­ary 26th, 1932, to par­ents, Emma (nee Breuer) and Frank Bruck­ert. She was united in mar­riage to Eli L. Hen­ning on May 12th, 1951.
Rosie is sur­vived by her chil­dren, Roy (sig­nif­i­cant other, Linda) Hen­ning and Shirley (David) Arnold; daugh­ter-in-law, Mary Lou Hen­ning; sis­ter-in-law, Rita Bruck­ert; grand­chil­dren, Tim (Kim) Hen­ning, Denise (Rylan) Hen­ning-McGee, Tammy (Pat) Heesen, Bradley (Cher­ish) Hen­ning, Bill (Jes­sica) Arnold, Jen­nifer El­liott; great-grand­chil­dren, Brook­lyn, Madi­son, Oran, Aspen, and Orla, Harper, Eli, Nathan, Lily, James; and great-grand­son, Ridge. She is fur­ther sur­vived by other loved rel­a­tives and friends.
She was pre­ceded in death by her beloved hus­band of 33 years, Eli Hen­ning; par­ents, Frank and Emma Bruck­ert; chil­dren, Sherry, Ran­dall, and Royal Hen­ning; daugh­ter-in-law, Lois Hen­ning; and grand­daugh­ter, Nicole An­der­son.  She was further pre­ceded in death by her sib­lings and other rel­a­tives.
Rosie loved spend­ing time with her chil­dren, grand­chil­dren, and cats. She also en­joyed cheer­ing on the Green Bay Pack­ers, and play­ing cards, es­pe­cially sheepshead.
In Lieu of flow­ers, memo­r­ial con­tri­bu­tions to the Kathy Hos­pice (3232 Pleas­ant Val­ley Rd, West Bend, WI 53095) are greatly ap­pre­ci­ated.
Fu­neral Ser­vices for Rosie will be held on Thurs­day, Sept. 12, at the Shi­mon Fu­neral Home (824 Union Street, Hart­ford, Wis­con­sin 53027). Fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends at the fu­neral home from 3 p.m. until the start of ser­vice at 5 p.m. In­ter­ment will fol­low the next day on Fri­day, Sept. 13, at Union Ceme­tery (Theresa, WI).
