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Bette Jayne Nelson

Bette Jayne Nelson Bette Jayne Nelson

Bette Jayne Nel­son, 69, of Camp­bell­sport passed away com­fort­ably in her sleep on Sun­day, Sept. 22, 2024, at The Kathy Hos­pice in West Bend fol­low­ing a two-and-a-half year bat­tle with can­cer.
She was born in Mil­wau­kee, to Dar­rel Irwin Conaway and Nona Al­berta (nee Guerin) Conaway.
She was mar­ried to the love of her life, Jef­frey Thomas Nel­son on July 18, 1987, in Mc­Carty Park, West Allis.
Bette was a lov­ing Wife, Mother, and Grand­mother. She en­joyed cross­word puz­zles and word games, craft­ing pro­jects, and played a mean game of crib­bage. Pos­sessed of a sharply sar­cas­tic tongue, she was fiercely witty and in­tel­li­gent, as well as quick with a joke. Bette had a keen un­der­stand­ing and love of lan­guage which she al­ways strove to share with oth­ers.
Bette worked for the Wis­con­sin Dyslexia In­sti­tute and was a ded­i­cated teacher for many years. She briefly served as the Di­rec­tor and after step­ping down from that role, she pri­vately tu­tored stu­dents until her re­tire­ment in 2006.
She leaves be­hind many who will cher­ish her mem­ory, in­clud­ing her son, Christo­pher Nel­son and daugh­ter, Danielle Mader; grand­chil­dren, Jacob Mader, Ryan Mader, Olivia Mader and Ben Mader; broth­ers, Brian (Mary) Conaway and Bart (Mary) Conaway; her sis­ter-in-law and long­time friend, Linda Gay­hart; broth­ers-in-law, Kevin Nel­son, Rob (Sue) Nel­son, Eric (MaryLu) Nel­son, and Kurt (April) Nel­son; Bette was very close with her sis­ter Bar­bara’s chil­dren, Mike (Cheryl) Freisleben, Kelly (Craig) Wolfe, Joe (Gina) Freisleben; as well as many more nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews and close friends and ex­tended fam­ily. In ad­di­tion to her human fam­ily, she also leaves be­hind two very dis­traught cats, Larry and Moe, who al­ready miss her dearly.
Bette was pre­ceded in death by her lov­ing hus­band, Jef­frey Nel­son; her par­ents; sis­ters, Bon­nie and Bar­bara; brother, Blake; brother-in-law, Terry Wom­ack; sis­ter-in-law, Deb­bie Nel­son; and niece, Nicole As­selin.
A cel­e­bra­tion of Bette’s life will be held on Sat­ur­day, Oct. 5, in West Bend. Please con­tact the fam­ily for more de­tails.
Twohig Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily with on­line guest­book and con­do­lences at www.​two​higf​uner​als.​com.
