07 May 2024


Cynthia “Cindy” Lou Strieff

Cynthia “Cindy” Lou Strieff

In Loving MemoryCynthia Lou Strieff 01/19/1950 - 01/16/2024   Cynthia (Cindy) Lou Strieff, 73, passed on January 16, 2024, at The Ranch Estates in Tucson, AZ.   Cindy was born to Vivian and Frank Ochoa and raised in Iron Ridge.   As an adult, she married Robert Strieff and moved to sunny California.   After her divorce, she moved to Cotton Valley, LA, and in 2021, Cindy moved to Tucson, AZ, to be near her daughter, Connie, and son-in-law, Matt.   Cindy is survived by her daughters, Melissa (Cody Nail), Connie (Matthew Tindell); siblings, Roxanne (Terry Roffers), Shelly (Tony Hottenroth), Tammy (Jim Pieper), Joanie (John Ladd), Ronald Livingston, Jeri-Lynn (Paul Heintz): three grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.   She was preceded in death by her parents; her brothers, Rick and Michael Livingston; among other dearly loved family and friends.   Please join us in celebrating Cindy's life on June 23, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at The American Legion Post 69, 134 S. Main Street, Mayville, WI 53050. Please RSVP to Jeri-Lynn Heintz at 920-979-8591.
06 May 2024


Amy Leder

Amy Leder

   From my rotting body, flowers shall grow, and I am in them, and that is eternity.—Edvard Munch   Born November 23, 1957, Amy entered this world in Beaver Dam and grew up in Mayville. She was the eldest child of Jack and Marilyn (Jacobs) Leder and sister to John and Ann. Amy drew her last breath at home on May 3, 2024, surrounded by love.   Amy was a dedicated gardener, gifted artist, and talented seamstress. She utilized many mediums—drawing, mechanical movement, and home improvement—to create her unique, unusual—and at times eccentric art.    The universe provided her raw materials from the East Side of Milwaukee for her creations. Cedric the Moose, who now resides in her home, once graced the walls of the West Bend Museum of Wisconsin Artists Members Show. Amy found great joy in ripping apart new pairs of shoes to modify them to her liking. Her tailoring abilities are legendary—Amy could transform an ordinary bolt of cloth, old clothing, or remnants into unique garments.   Anyone who visited Amy’s extraordinary gardens recognized another form of her artistry, with the 2023 Port Washington Garden Tour featuring her horticultural talents. And her extensive knowledge of Latin plant names and their medicinal uses was extensive.   Amy loved a good mystery, and regularly lent her books to anyone who wanted a good read. Her stash of vintage, quirky birthday cards and creation of novel envelopes will be missed by all who received them. She was a proud member of the Luddite Society and lover of words. This intelligent, sardonic, insightful, and opinionated woman was dearly loved. Her gentle soul and thoughtful outlook on life will always be part of those who knew and treasured her.   Amy found companionship when a gentle, and wise, man stopped into Koppas Deli on Farwell Avenue to tell jokes. Dan and Amy married on June 7, 2003, and combined their lives and cat families. In 2008, they relocated to their purple and orange house in Port Washington. Those were the best 22 years of both of their lives.   The spirits who welcome Amy on the other side include her parents, Jack, and Marilyn; brother, John; paternal grandparents, Arthur and Meta (Glander) Leder; maternal grandmother, Lydia (Clarstrom) Jacobs; favorite Auntie Lois; cousin, Jim, special friends, Evelyn, Michael, and Bernice; and all eight cats who shared their lives with her (but not all at once).    Amy is survived by her husband, Dan Gerth; sister, Ann (Gary) Scott; beloved cousin, Jean (Blair Semple) Mansavage; niece, Wendy (Damon Jarman) Sievert; a gaggle of Gerths, jumble of Jacobs, and murder of Mansavages.   Special thanks and love to her caregivers, Briana, Sonja, and Kindra, who are all angels.   There will be a celebration of Amy’s life later this year.   In lieu of flowers, please donate to your local animal shelter.   Now, Amy knows all the great mysteries.   The Eernisse Funeral Home, Port Washington is honored to serve the Leder family. Online condolences may be left at www.eernissefuneralhome.com.


Roland “Rollie” Schroeder

Roland “Rollie” Schroeder

   Roland "Rol­lie" L. Schroeder, 97, re­leased his spirit on May 5, 2024, and has gone to meet his maker.   He was born on De­cem­ber 25, 1926, in Theresa.    On Sep­tem­ber 27, 1947, he mar­ried Dorothy Ham­mann at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Mayville.   Roland lived a long and pros­per­ous life with his wife of 76 years, 8 months. The two were in­sep­a­ra­ble and rarely did things apart. In his final years, the cou­ple would put to­gether puz­zles, watch TV, go for walks around the block, and help with chores around their house.    Roland was hard-work­ing, hon­est, faith­ful, re­li­gious, coura­geous, and ad­ven­tur­ous. Roland en­joyed big game hunt­ing, fish­ing, snow­mo­bil­ing, bird watch­ing, trav­el­ing to the Caribbean, and he was a life­time sup­porter of the Green Bay Pack­ers. Roland was a long­time mem­ber of St. Stephens Lutheran Church, Hori­con. He loved to be out­doors and spent qual­ity time with his fam­ily and friends. He was an ac­tive mem­ber of the Mayville Lions Club.    Roland grew up in Theresa and worked on the fam­ily farm at a young age. Roland served in the US Army dur­ing the Ko­rean War be­tween Sep­tem­ber 19, 1952 - Sep­tem­ber 18, 1954. In June 2016, he had the op­por­tu­nity to take the Honor Flight to Wash­ing­ton DC. “Every Day is a Bonus”. When Roland re­turned from Korea, he began work­ing as a car­pen­ter ap­pren­tice build­ing homes. After years of learn­ing, Roland started his own com­pany - Roland Schroeder Builders - and built homes for much of his life.   Roland is sur­vived by his wife, Dorothy; two sons, David (Chris­tine) Schroeder and Robert (Terese) Schroeder; and daugh­ter, Bar­bara (Michael) Knut­son; grand­chil­dren, Alyssa, Austin (Amalia) Schroeder, Adrian (Lau­ren) Schroeder; Dustin Schroeder (Tami Sankey), Eliott (Stacey) Schroeder; Ash­ley Mau­rer, Kelsey (Joseph Clemons II), Chelsey (Jason) Indra; great-grand­chil­dren, Ar­i­anna, Dreyson, Aubrey and Ella Schroeder; Joseph III and Jor­dan Clemons; Is­abella and Alina Indra. Roland is fur­ther sur­vived by Joanne Ham­mann and Betty (Rus­sell) Kempf.   Roland was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents, Hed­wig and Erich (step­fa­ther) Pluede­man; his step-brother, Rus­sell Pluede­man; and sis­ter-in-law, Lor­raine Pluede­man; in-laws, Carl & Viola (Roten­berg) Ham­mann; broth­ers-in-law, Art Ham­mann, Ken Ham­mann, Lloyd Metke, Del­mar Sauer and Ken Sell­now; sis­ters-in-law, Ber­nice Metke, Helen Sauer and Eileen Sell­now.   Fu­neral ser­vices for Rol­lie will be held on Sat­ur­day, May 11, at 3:30 p.m. at St. Stephen Ev. Lutheran Church in Hori­con, with Rev. Mark Wilkens of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion for Rol­lie will be held at church on Sat­ur­day, May 11, from 1:30 p.m. until the time of ser­vice at 3:30 p.m. Fol­low­ing the ser­vice, grave­side mil­i­tary hon­ors will be con­ducted by the Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion Post # 157 at Oak Hill Ceme­tery in Hori­con.    The fam­ily wishes to sin­cerely thank the staff at the Marsh­field Med­ical Cen­ter in Beaver Dam, and the stu­dent nurses from the Moraine Park Tech­ni­cal Col­lege (nurs­ing pro­gram) for their at­ten­tion to de­tail and ex­cel­lent care. VA Ser­vices, Beaver Dam, 911 ser­vices of Hori­con. A spe­cial thank you to Pas­tor Wilkens from St. Stephens Lutheran Church and Koepsell Fu­neral Home for their care and sup­port dur­ing this time.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com


Betty A. Musack

Betty A. Musack

   Betty A. Mu­sack (nee Brun­ner) 84, of Theresa passed away on Sun­day, May 5, 2024, at her home.   Betty was born the daugh­ter of Fred and Leona (Bor­chardt) Brun­ner on De­cem­ber 29, 1939. Betty was a grad­u­ate of Oconomowoc High School. She was united in mar­riage to Ger­ald Mu­sack on Oc­to­ber 11, 1958.   Betty had worked var­i­ous jobs through­out her life, but was best known for her cook­ing and bak­ing. She was fa­mous for her peanut squares and for her soups that she made for her son Mark’s bar, Mark’s Get­away and her rolls made from scratch.   Betty was a mem­ber of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Theresa.   In her spare time, Betty en­joyed quilt­ing, craft­ing, and tak­ing care of her flow­ers. She also en­joyed read­ing, word searches, and play­ing canasta. Betty also loved polka music.    Betty is sur­vived by her hus­band, Ger­ald, of Theresa; her chil­dren, Mark Mu­sack of Theresa, Julie Mu­sack-Voss of Fond du Lac, Vicky (Vin­cent) Bar­toli of Bur­nett, and Mitchell (Mar­garet) Mu­sack of Oshkosh; her grand­chil­dren, Richard (Jes­sica) Prib­now, Robert (Jen­nifer) Prib­now, Re­becca (Erik) Haefs, Fe­li­cia Bar­toli, Capri Bar­toli, An­thony Lenski, and Bran­don Mu­sack; her great-grand­chil­dren, Gra­cyn, Hud­son, Jay­den, Syd­ney, Avery, Riley, Aery­ona, Asher, and Clyde; her sis­ters-in-law, Mar­garet Brun­ner, Vir­ginia Wen­dorf, and Ja­nine Stre­blow; her brother-in-law, Allen Mu­sack; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives and friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her daugh­ter, Tracy; broth­ers, Robert and William Brun­ner; and sis­ter-in-law, Mary Ann Brun­ner.   A fu­neral ser­vice for Betty will take place on Sat­ur­day, May 11, at 12 noon at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Theresa with Rev. Matthew Kuske of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion will be held from 10 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 12 noon at the church. In­ter­ment will take place at Union Ceme­tery in Theresa.   Memo­ri­als may be di­rected to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Theresa.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com


02 May 2024


Rosemarie ‘Rosie’ Renate Mittelstadt

Rosemarie ‘Rosie’ Renate Mittelstadt

   Rose­marie ‘Rosie’ Re­nate Mit­tel­stadt, 85, of Mayville passed away on Mon­day, April 29, 2024, at Hope Health and Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion in Lomira sur­rounded by her fam­ily.   Rosie was born the daugh­ter of Walde­mar and El­frede (Selke) Fell­ner on July 1, 1938, in Bre­mer­haven, Ger­many.She was united in mar­riage to Elroy Mit­tel­stadt on Feb­ru­ary 14, 1992.   She had re­tired from food ser­vice from the Hart­ford Hos­pi­tal. In her spare time, Rosie and Elroy loved to dance, whether it was ball­room danc­ing or polka danc­ing at a Ger­man Fest. She also loved to sup­port her chil­dren and grand­chil­dren at their sport­ing events through the years. Rosie was a mem­ber of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Iron Ridge.   Rosie is sur­vived by her hus­band, Elroy, of Mayville; her chil­dren, Melanie Poole of Clin­tonville, Fred (fiancé Lisa Mi­hal­je­vic) Poole of South Mil­wau­kee, Jeanni Brinkman of Ken­neth City, FL, Thomas (Michelle) Poole of Al­len­ton, Mon­ica (Bruce) Kien­ast of La­dy­smith, Melanie (Alan) Gehl of Mayville, Wanda Wiep­king of Theresa, Deb­bie Eck­stein of Mayville, Ran­dal Mit­tel­stadt of Theresa, and Scott (Shawna) Mit­tel­stadt of Mayville; her sis­ter, Mar­lies Net­zel of Pin­neberg, Ger­many; her 15 grand­chil­dren, 15 great-grand­chil­dren, and one great-great-grand­child; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; daugh­ter, Susan ‘Susie’ Poole; and sis­ter, Ur­sula See­bade.   A memo­r­ial ser­vice in mem­ory of Rosie took place on Sun­day, May 5, 2024, at 3 p.m. at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Iron Ridge with Rev. Larry Mose of­fi­ci­at­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion was held from 1-3 p.m. at the church on Sun­day.    Spe­cial thanks to Hope Health and Re­ha­bil­i­ta­tion and SSM Hos­pice for their amaz­ing care, sup­port, and guid­ance.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
29 April 2024


Robert John Marsch

Robert John Marsch

   Robert John Marsch, 78, passed away at his home in Hori­con, on April 19, 2024.    Born to Wal­ter “Pete” and Lucy Marsch on Oc­to­ber 24, 1945, Robert was the sixth of nine chil­dren. He was a life­long res­i­dent of Hori­con and grad­u­ate of the Hori­con High School class of 1963, where he ex­plored his pas­sion for art and cre­ativ­ity, often in­spired by the cam­era he re­ceived as a gift from his older brother, Jerry.   On Au­gust 3, 1965, Robert was drafted into the U.S. Army. He com­pleted ATP 21-114, rifle M-14 train­ing and was later trained as a clerk typ­ist and per­son­nel as­sis­tant. He pur­sued his pas­sion for art dur­ing his war ser­vice by chron­i­cling his ex­pe­ri­ences in pho­tog­ra­phy, draw­ings, and even a bit of po­etry. He was hon­or­ably dis­charged two years later fol­low­ing the un­ex­pected death of his fa­ther and re­turned home to sup­port his mother and younger sis­ters. He re­ceived the Army Com­men­da­tion Medal for his ser­vice in the coun­terin­sur­gency of the Re­pub­lic of Viet­nam and con­tin­ued to lov­ingly care for his mother, Lucy, until her pass­ing in 2013 at the age of 100.   Robert was a loyal friend and a com­pas­sion­ate neigh­bor. He de­voted much time to lend­ing a hand to his neigh­bor, Mar­garet, be­fore he took over her home, mov­ing him and his mother from the “lit­tle house” on Lynn St. to the big­ger house next door. While there, he car­ried on Mar­garet’s love for gar­den­ing and made his yard a quiet haven for birds and vis­i­tors alike to enjoy. Robert’s love for the out­doors took him to many places through­out his life. He was es­pe­cially fond of his an­nual trips to the beaches of Mex­ico with his good friend Bob and fam­ily, who were surely wait­ing to share some fun times with him once again.    Robert was a metic­u­lous, do-it-your­self guy and put his all into every­thing he did be­cause you “ei­ther do it right, or you don’t do it at all”; a mantra he made sure to pass on to his niece and nephew, Nicki and Gary, who he could often be seen with around town on one of their many ad­ven­tures, often with a sis­ter or two in tow. He en­joyed teach­ing them how to read maps, ride their bikes and hunt for buried trea­sure with his metal de­tec­tor. They en­joyed many ad­ven­tures big and small, from bik­ing the Elroy-Sparta trail and climb­ing at the ledge, to road trips to Mt. Rush­more, the Smokey Moun­tains and Myr­tle Beach with his mother, Lucy, to swim in the ocean; all of which he was sure to cap­ture with a cam­era lens. He poured his love into them as if they were his own and shared his spirit of cu­rios­ity with their chil­dren in his later years.   Robert was a kind and hum­ble man who val­ued his fam­ily and friends above all else. He shared his cu­rios­ity and love of ad­ven­ture with all who held him dear, and their world would surely have been smaller and less ex­cep­tional with­out him in it.   Robert is sur­vived by his sis­ters, Joan (Jim) Schae­fer of Lake Dal­ton, Sandy (Dick) Ster­nat of Bull­head City, AZ, Kath­leen (John) Gaffney of Pe­wau­kee, and Mary Kreuziger of Mayville; brother, David (Mary) Marsch of Hori­con; sis­ters-in-law, Mar­lene “Honey” Jerry (Marsch) of Hori­con and Kather­ine “Kiki” (Ron­nie) Marsch of Beaver Dam; nieces, Con­nie (Dean) Thomas, Cyn­thia (Erik) Perkins and Nicki Keppy; nephews, Greg (Julie) Marsch and Gary (Jess) Kreuziger. Robert is fur­ther sur­vived by great-nephews and nieces, Jen­nifer, Rachel (Schrauf­nagel) and Melissa Thomas, Caitlin and Chloe Marsch, Ryan and Jenna Kreuziger, Owen and Joe Keppy; and great-great-nephews and niece, Will, Lucy, and Henry Schrauf­nagel.   Robert was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents, Wal­ter “Pete” and Lucy Marsch; his broth­ers, Ron­nie and Jerry Marsch; his sis­ter, Carol; his grand­par­ents, Au­gust and Emma Marsch and Guy and Ce­celia Wild; brother-in-law, Kevin Kreuziger. He was fur­ther pre­ceded in death by many spe­cial aunts and un­cles.   A Memo­r­ial Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial for Robert will take place on Thurs­day, May 2, at 1 p.m. at Sa­cred Heart Parish in Hori­con with Rev. Fr. Justin Lop­ina pre­sid­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion for Robert with take place on Thurs­day, May 2, from 11:30 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 1 p.m. Fol­low­ing the ser­vice, Grave­side Mil­i­tary Hon­ors will be con­ducted by the Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #157 at St. Malachy Ceme­tery in Hori­con.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com


Rachael “Chickie” Brandenburg

Rachael “Chickie” Brandenburg

   Rachael “Chickie” Dorothy Brandenburg, 77, of Burnett, passed away peacefully on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at the Charleston House in Beaver Dam.   Rachael was born the daughter of Theophil and Caroline (Wolf) Pfaff on January 29, 1947, in Hartford. She graduated from Horicon High School in 1965.   Rachael was united in marriage to Duanne E. Brandenburg on August 26, 1967, at St. John’s Brown Corner. Rachael was a faithful member of St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Juneau.    Rachael was very artistic and loved creating new things. She often could be found reading a good book. Rachael’s family was very dear to her, especially her granddaughter, Audra, whom she helped raise from little on. She enjoyed travelling in their camper and had a great love for Blue Grass music. Rachael will be greatly missed by her husband, Duanne ‘Butch’; her granddaughter, Audra (Dante Aldaco) Brandenburg; a great-grandson, Waylon; and her brother, Wesley Pfaff. She is further survived by other relatives and friends.    Rachael was preceded in death by her parents and her son, Waylon.    Funeral services for Rachael took place on Tuesday, April 30, at 11 a.m. at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Juneau with Rev. David Brandt officiating. A visitation for Rachael was held at church on Tuesday, April 30, from 9:30 a.m. until the time of service at 11 a.m. Interment followed the service at St. John’s Cemetery Brown Corner.    The family wishes to extend a special thank you to Audra, Rachael’s granddaughter, for her endless love and devotion shown to Grandma. The family also wishes to thank Jayne Walter for her loving care and friendship shown to Rachael over the years. Rachael’s family will never forget the care and compassion shown to Rachael and her family during her time at Charleston House. They would like to thank the staff there as well as the nurses and caregivers with SSM Hospice.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Horicon is caring for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com
26 April 2024


Jon H. Soderman

Jon H. Soderman

   Jon H. Soderman, of Fond du Lac, formerly of Mayville, went to be with the Lord on April 22, 2024, at the age of 84 at the Hospice Home of Hope in Fond du Lac.   Jon loved birds, painting, carving, cookies, and naps. He also loved motorcycle racing and exploring the great outdoors on his motorcycle.    Sweetheart to Patty Schultz of 21 years; brother to twin sister, Judy Powell; father to Donald Soderman, Karen Ruona, Vicki Hath, and Susan Soderman; father-in-law to Gary Ruona and Douglas Hath; loving grandfather of Tim and Jillian Soderman, Rachel, Derek and Morgan Ruona, Steven Hath, Travis and Alex Kliefoth, and Jacob and Kyle Romanowski.    Preceded in death by his parents, LeRoy and Irma Soderman; his sisters, Karen, June, Ruth, Shirley and Beverley; his in-laws, Roman and Lucille Prodoehl; his wife of over 30 years, Fleurette Soderman; and his nephew, Guy Powell.   Visitation took place at Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville from 9 to 10 a.m. on Friday, April 26. A memorial service followed.   Thanks to the staff at Hospice Home of Hope in Fond du Lac for their loving care.   Donations in lieu of flowers to Wisconsin Parkinson Association or the Fond du Lac YMCA.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
18 April 2024
