19 September 2022


Joy Finke

Joy Finke

   Joy Finke, 75, of Hori­con, met her Lord and Sav­ior on Sep­tem­ber 17, 2022.    Joy was born in Colum­bus, to Her­bert and Leone (Schin­del) Tesch on June 30, 1947.   She was a 1965 grad­u­ate of Hori­con High School.   Joy mar­ried Roland Finke on June 12, 1965, in Hori­con, at St. Stephen Lutheran Church.    Joy was a sec­re­tary at St. Stephen Lutheran Church for many years. Joy had a strong faith and was a faith­ful ser­vant of God. She shared this with all who knew her as her faith and fam­ily was some­thing she cher­ished and was proud of.    Joy was an avid col­lec­tor of an­gels. Any­one who knew Joy would say she truly was an angel on earth. The fam­ily in­vites you to take an angel of your choice as a spe­cial re­minder of Joy upon leav­ing the ser­vice.   Joy is sur­vived by her lov­ing hus­band, Roland; sons, Richard (Amy) Finke and Bruce (Cindy) Finke; and grand­chil­dren, Alexan­der, Brett, and Madi­son Finke. She is fur­ther sur­vived by her in-laws, Bill Grams, Elaine Tesch, Mar­i­lyn Finke, Betty Miller, Leon (Marge) Finke, Emily (Roy) Rass­mann, Don (Donna) Finke, Judi (Ron) Bas­t­ian, Bonita (Wally) Za­s­trow, and Loris (Jerry) Schae­fer, as well as many nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and many friends.    A fu­neral ser­vice for Joy took place on Wednes­day, Sept. 21, at 11 a.m. at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Hori­con, with Rev. Daniel See­hafer of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion was from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at church. In­urn­ment will take place at Oak Hill Ceme­tery in Hori­con at a later date.    The fam­ily would like to ex­tend a sin­cere thank you to the staff at Marsh­field Med­ical Cen­ter- Beaver Dam for the care they pro­vided to Joy. A heart-felt thank you goes out to Rol­lie and Joy’s spe­cial neigh­bors and friends, Michael and Bon­nie, Mike and Sandy, and Ilene. Your sup­port and love dur­ing this dif­fi­cult time has meant so much and will never be for­got­ten.    Memo­ri­als in honor of Joy may be di­rected to St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Hori­con.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​koepsellfh.​com


15 September 2022


Caterina (Braino) Persha

Caterina (Braino) Persha

   It is with great sadness that the family of Caterina (Braino) Persha announce her passing on September 10, 2022, at the age of 95.   Rina was born to Antonio and Eufemia Braino on April 11, 1927, in Rovinj, Italy; which is now present day Croatia . She was one of eight children.   Rina met and later married her husband, John, in Trieste, Italy, on September 23,1950. Soon after their wedding, they moved to Mayville, where together they started a family.    Rina loved spending time in her garden and sharing her produce with friends and neighbors. She was an amazing cook and always brought people together through her cooking and baking. Rina loved music and dancing and could dance a “mean” Polka.   Rina is survived by her two loving sons, Tony (Mary K.) and Nick (Diane) Persha. She was a beloved Grandma to Eric Persha, Adam Persha, John Persha, Nicole Persha, Megan Hanni and their spouses. Rina was great-grandma to 12 great-grandchildren.   Rina was preceded in death by her parents and her husband, John.    A Mass of Christian Burial for Rina will be held on Saturday, Sept. 24, at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Mayville with Rev. Father Joe Dominic presiding. Visitation will be at the church from 9:30 to10:30 a.m. with interment at St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in Mayville following the service.    The family would like to extend their deepest appreciation and thanks to the staff at Clearview Nursing Home in Juneau, for their compassion, care, and help given to Rina.    Koepsell Funeral Home is Mayville is serving the family. www. Koepsellfh.com
13 September 2022


Richard “Dick” Krutke

Richard “Dick” Krutke

   Richard “Dick” Krutke, 82, of Mayville, passed away on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022, at St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac.   Dick was born the son of Anthony and Lurlyne (Gates) Krutke on January 27, 1940, in Reedsburg.   He was a 1958 Mayville High School graduate and member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Mayville.   Dick married his high school sweetheart, Beverly Schaefer, on May 11, 1963, in Neenah.   Dick proudly served his country as a Marine in the United States Marine Corp from 1958 to 1962. He was stationed in California and Alaska.   After this, Dick worked for Metalcraft of Mayville for 43 years and retired in 2005. He was Captain of the Mayville Fire Department for 25 years. Dick was named the Citizen of the Year in 2010. He also was an usher at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, a School Crossing Guard, and worked at the Mayville News.   Dick loved people and was just “the nicest guy.” He would do anything to help you and would give you the shirt off his back. He loved to travel, especially to see his children. His children and grandchildren meant the world to him, and he loved spending time with them. He also looked forward to and enjoyed going on many special trips to Mexico with Bev, family, and friends. Dick loved playing golf and rooting for the Wisconsin Badgers.   Dick is survived by his loving wife, Bev; his children, Craig (Lorna) Krutke, Julie (Rob) Allison, and Jodi (Clif) Kreuscher; grandchildren, Hannah Allison, John Allison, Katie Krutke, and Jacob Krutke; and sister-in-law: Joyce Tuchel. He is further survived by other relatives and many friends.   Dick was preceded in death by his parents; and brothers, Tom Krutke and David Krutke.   A memorial service for Dick will be held at the Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville on Thursday, Sept. 15, at 4 p.m. with Rev. Bruce Engebretson officiating. Visitation will be at the funeral home on September 15 from 2 to 4 p.m. Military Honors will be conducted by the Mayville American Legion Post #69 following the service at the Funeral Home. A private family inurnment will take place at St. Paul’s Cemetery in Mayville.
08 September 2022


Linda S. Kovacevich

Linda S. Kovacevich

   Linda S. Ko­vace­vich (nee Ih­len­feld) beloved mother, wife and daugh­ter, was called home to eter­nal life, age 52, on Tues­day, Sept. 6, 2022, at her home in Theresa, with her fam­ily by her side after a 19-year bat­tle against can­cer.   Linda was born to Mary (nee Gun­drum) and Robert Ih­len­feld in West Bend, on Jan­u­ary 22, 1970.   She grad­u­ated from Slinger High School, class of 1988, and wed her high school sweet­heart, Tim­o­thy D. Ko­vace­vich, at Res­ur­rec­tion Catholic Church in Al­len­ton on Au­gust 11, 1990. To­gether they raised three beau­ti­ful chil­dren.   Linda has gone be­fore her hus­band Tim; son, Jacob (Nolyn Brun­ner) Ko­vace­vich; daugh­ter, Lena (Jor­dan) Kempfer; son, Eric (Hai­ley) Ko­vace­vich; par­ents, Bob and Mary Ih­le­feld; brother, Ken (Karly) Ih­len­feld; brother, Steve (Pam) Ih­len­feld; brother-in-law, Jim El­len­becker; fa­ther-in-law, Doug (Judy) Ko­vace­vich; sis­ter-in-law, Mary (Craig) Short­land; and sis­ter-in-law, Lanae (nee Lan­don) Ko­vace­vich. She is fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other spe­cial rel­a­tives and many trea­sured friends.    She was pre­ceded in death by her sis­ter, Ju­dith M. El­len­becker; mother-in-law, Mar­garet (nee Novak) Ko­vace­vich; brother-in-law, Rick Berger; and brother-in-law, Paul Ko­vace­vich.   She at­tended MATC where she re­ceived a de­gree in in­te­rior de­sign. In 1991, Linda and hus­band Tim opened Tim­lin's Fur­ni­ture to­gether in Hart­ford where it is still fam­ily op­er­ated after 31 years.   Above all, Linda’s heart was on fire for oth­ers, and she in­spired all who found their way into her life. She worked du­ti­fully through Com­pas­sion In­ter­na­tional to sup­port many chil­dren in need - fre­quently writ­ing to spon­sored chil­dren and even trav­el­ing to visit the mis­sion in El Sal­vador with her daugh­ter, Lena, in 2018. Fur­ther, Linda was a pas­sion­ate mother and rais­ing her three chil­dren was the great­est joy of her life.    Through stead­fast faith, she was ex­ceed­ingly pa­tient and led us all coura­geously through the count­less tri­als set be­fore her. As she con­sid­ered treat­ment op­tions for her lat­est di­ag­no­sis, her re­sponse re­flected the grace she car­ried through­out her en­tire life, “ei­ther way, I win.”   Thank you to the staff of Froedtert Med­ical Col­lege for the many price­less years that you gave us back with Linda. A spe­cial thanks to Linda's neu­rol­o­gist and on­col­o­gist for the end­less sup­port and con­sul­ta­tion through the many dif­fi­cult de­ci­sions we had to make.   A Memo­r­ial Ser­vice cel­e­brat­ing Linda’s life was held Wednes­day, Sept. 14, at North­brook Church, 4014 High­way 167 W, in Rich­field. Linda was laid to rest at Sa­cred Heart Ceme­tery in Al­len­ton on Thurs­day, Sept. 15.    In lieu of flow­ers, the fam­ily would re­quest that you help to con­tinue Linda’s hard work with Com­pas­sion In­ter­na­tional by spon­sor­ing a child, sup­port­ing their cause, or do­nat­ing to an­other Chris­t­ian char­ity.    The Shi­mon Fu­neral Home is serv­ing the fam­ily. Con­do­lences and trib­utes may be shared: www.​shi​monf​uner​alho​me.​com


Lloyd A. “Kicker” Wagener

Lloyd A. “Kicker” Wagener

   Lloyd A. “Kicker” Wa­gener passed away on Sep­tem­ber 4, 2022 in his home. He was 93.   Lloyd was born Oc­to­ber 20, 1928, in Hori­con to Arthur and Mary Wa­gener, join­ing two sis­ters, Pearl and Alice and one brother, Ray­mond.   Lloyd at­tended Hori­con Pub­lic School and was a 1946 grad­u­ate. One of his proud­est mo­ments was when he and his bas­ket­ball team­mates won the Lit­tle Ten Bas­ket­ball Cham­pi­onship in 1944-45. Lloyd was very ac­tive in sports at Hori­con High School: all four years par­tic­i­pat­ing in foot­ball, bas­ket­ball, and track, and base­ball three years.    After grad­u­a­tion Lloyd worked at John Deere until he was called to serve his coun­try in 1951 in U.S. Army in the 2nd Ar­mored Di­vi­sion called the ‘Hell on Wheels’ Di­vi­sion sta­tioned in Ger­many.    Lloyd and Ber­nice Schwartz were mar­ried in Hori­con on Jan­u­ary 24, 1953.    Lloyd was proud to live and work in Hori­con, for John Deere Hori­con Works, Stok­ley Van Camp and the City of Hori­con De­part­ment Pub­lic Works.   In 1956 Lloyd’s in­ter­est in com­mu­nity ser­vice for his home­town began. He served the City of Hori­con as a mem­ber of the Hori­con Fire De­part­ment, the Hori­con School Board and the Rock River Hills Golf Course Board of Di­rec­tors.    After his re­tire­ment Lloyd served the City of Hori­con as third dis­trict al­der­man, then as mayor. He also served on the Oak Hill Ceme­tery Board of Trustees until the time of his death.   Lloyd was very ac­tive ad­vo­cat­ing for vet­er­ans through the Amer­i­can Le­gion, hav­ing served many lead­er­ship roles on the local, dis­trict and state level even­tu­ally being elected as the com­man­der of the Wis­con­sin Amer­i­can Le­gion. Lloyd went on to con­tinue his ad­vo­cacy for nearly 20 years on a na­tional level, and an ac­tive board mem­ber on the Le­gion-spon­sored Bad­ger Boys State for nearly 30 years. He was also a mem­ber of the Vet­er­ans of For­eign Wars, 40/8, and the I.O.O.F. bet­ter known as the Odd Fel­lows.    As busy as Lloyd was, he found time to enjoy bowl­ing, fish­ing, and hunt­ing with his fa­ther Art, his uncle Del, son Ed­ward, brother-in-law Glen Muen­chow, and friend Norb Key.    Sur­vivors in­clude his chil­dren, Ellen Sun­der­land of Hori­con, Faith (Don) Klostre­ich of Yuma, AZ, Linda Wa­gener of Madi­son, and Ed­ward (Vicki) Wa­gener of Cam­bridge; grand­chil­dren, Jill (Jaeme­son), Kai­ley, Dharma, Traci (Dar­rell), Holli, Kelli, Brian (Chelsea); great-grand­chil­dren, Jay, Tyler, Trevor, Amanda, Justin, Whit­ney, Jor­dan, Bray­den, Levi, Kiley; great-great-grand­chil­dren, Alese, Bella, Eliza, Birdie, Cata­laya, Je­seth, Yaya; and many nieces and nephews.   Lloyd was pre­ceded in death by his wife, Ber­nice, who passed away on No­vem­ber 17, 2017. They were mar­ried for 69 years. He was also pre­ceded in death by his par­ents, Arthur and Mary Wa­gener; two sis­ters, Pearl Young, Alice Wa­gener; one brother, Ray­mond Wa­gener; brother-in-law, Rus­sell Young; sis­ter-in-law, Lu­cille Wa­gener; and son-in-law, Stephen Sun­der­land.    A cel­e­bra­tion of life will be held at Zion Lutheran Church Hori­con on Lloyd’s birth­day, Thurs­day, Oct. 20, at 12 p.m. with the Rev. Daniel Vojta of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion will be held on Thurs­day, Oct. 20, from 10 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 12 p.m. In­urn­ment will take place at Oak Hill Ceme­tery, Hori­con with mil­i­tary hon­ors pro­vided by the Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #157 and the Army Honor Guard.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als may be made to Zion Lutheran Church Hori­con or Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion Post 157 build­ing fund.    Spe­cial thanks to Home In­stead and Hill­side Hos­pice care­givers for their car­ing and sup­port of Kicker and his fam­ily.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Hori­con is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com


Sherri Lynn Clark

Sherri Lynn Clark

   Sherri Lynn Clark (nee Krueger), 52, of Mayville, was called home to her Lord and Savior on Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 with her family right by her side.    Sherri was born on February 22, 1970, in Fond du Lac to Dennis and Alice (nee Walters) Kreuger.    She graduated from Mayville High School in 1989.   On July 17, 1999, Sherri was united in marriage to Jerry Clark at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mayville.    Sherri loved her job as a production support coordinator at Mayville Engineering and loved the people she worked with. She also had a love affair with tanning and in her eyes it was a must do. Above all, Sherri loved her family and always put her children first.   Those Sherri leaves behind to cherish her memory include her loving husband, Jerry; two daughters, Marissa and Morgan Clark; two sisters, Jennifer (Joel) Harmsen and Samantha (Curtis) Schlieve; a brother, Dan (special friend Nikki Rauch) Krueger; and many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.   In honor of Sherri’s wishes, a private family service has been held. Burial of Sherri’s cremated remains was in Graceland Cemetery in Mayville.   Myrhum-Patten Funeral & Cremation Service has been entrusted with Sherri’s arrangements. Please consider signing Sherri’s online guest book and share a private condolence with the family at www.myrhum-patten.com.


Dawn M. Hampton

Dawn M. Hampton

   Dawn M. Hampton, 50, passed away on Monday, Aug. 29, 2022, at Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital in Fort Atkinson.   Dawn was born the daughter of Russell and Sheri (Welsch) Hampton on February 25, 1972, in Moline, IL.   She attended Mayville High School and was part of their Special Education Program.   Dawn was employed at Green Valley Enterprises in Beaver Dam and Opportunities in Fort Atkinson.   Dawn was a member of ARC and the Special Olympics competing in broad jump, 50m run, and swimming. She attended classes at St. Coletta’s in Jefferson.   Dawn loved all animals, even snakes. Dawn especially loved her three Golden Retrievers, Buck, Lucy, and Toby.   Dawn is survived by her parents; brother, Craig (Sara) Hampton; uncle, Roland Welsch II; and aunt, Barbara (Fred) Grelle. She is further survived by numerous cousins and other family members.   Dawn was preceded in death by her grandparents and other family members.   There will be a gathering in remembrance of Dawn’s life on September 18, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Discher Park Pavilion, located at 800 N. Finch St., Horicon, WI 53032.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www.koepsellfh.com
07 September 2022


Edna A. Schultz

Edna A. Schultz

Edna A. Schultz, 77, of West Bend passed away on Friday, September 2, 2022, at Cedar Community in West Bend. She was born on November 27, 1944, to the late Gotthold and Verona (nee Gloede) Koepsell in Mayville. She was baptized by Pastor Herman Laabs at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Hochheim.She was confirmed in faith by Pastor Martin Westerhaus at Zum Kripplein Christi Lutheran Church, Town Herman.She was married to Robert O. Schultz on October 2, 1965, at Peace Lutheran Church, Hartford.Edna was employed by Kraft in Hartford and DHIA in Sheboygan County. She also was a Tupper - ware demonstrator for many years. Edna and Bob were active in the Sheboygan County Farm Bureau. She was named Farm Bureau Woman of the Year. They were also active in the Sheboygan County Pork Producers. She enjoyed helping Bob on the farm, working with plants and flowers, cooking and baking. She was known for making delicious tortes. After leaving the farm, they enjoyed many years at their home on Little Cedar Lake before moving to Cedar Community.Those Edna leaves behind to cherish her memory include her loving husband, Robert Schultz; three sisters, Lorraine Hahn, Elaine Gunst (Claude) Rex, and Marian (Ronald) Brandt; step-brother, Gary Dummer; step-sister, Connie (Mike) Thull; and step-sister-in-law, Carol Dummer; many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her son, Francis “Frank” Schultz; step-father, Harvey Dummer; two sisters, Arlene Ohland and Marlis Glamann; and three brothers-in-law, Marvin Ohland, Earl Hahn and Leland Gunst; a step-brother, Duane Dummer and step-sister-in-law, Sharon Dummer.A Funeral Service for Edna will be held on Sunday, September 11, 2022, at 4 p.m. at St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church, 799 St. Paul Dr., Slinger. Burial will be on Monday, September 12, 2022, at 10 a.m. at Beechwood Union Cemetery.The family will greet relatives and friends at the church on Sunday from 2 p.m. until 3:45 p.m.The Myrhum-Patten Funeral Home of West Bend has been entrusted with Edna’s arrangements. Additional information and guest book may be found at www.myrhum-patten.com.
02 September 2022


John Bernard Belligan

John Bernard Belligan

   John Bernard Belligan passed away Friday, June 24, 2022, at the age of 94 years.   He was the beloved husband of Winona I. (nee Schultz); loving father of Laurie (Daniel) Morgan, Brenda (Robert) Streblow, Bruce Belligan, Carolyn (James) Panka, Linda (Michael) Ballmann, Connie (John) Schreib, Cathleen Vanasse; dear grandfather of 12 and great-grandfather of 11; brother of Joseph (Celia) Belligan, Michael (Diana) Neirink.   He was preceded in death by his parents; sisters, Rose Lohaus and Catherine Heim; brothers, Martin, Florian, Bernard (Ben) and Peter; sons-in-law, Wayne Zinns and Charles Vanasse.   John was a truck driver and a member of the Teamsters for 30 years.   He enjoyed cook-outs, throwing horseshoes, playing cribbage (he was a master pegger), bar dice (boxcars were his friend), playing all kinds of cards with family and friends. He would always look forward to a trip back to Mayville for Audubon Days where he met up with relatives coming from all over the country and another trip with his brothers to Las Vegas.    A graveside service and inurnment to be held at St. Mary's Cemetery in Mayville on Saturday, Sept. 17, at 10 a.m.   Memorials, if so desired, can be made out to Tunnel to Towers Foundation.