11 July 2024


Usevio “Poncho” Surita

Usevio “Poncho” Surita

   Usevio “Poncho” Surita, 98, of Mayville, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at his daughter's home.   Usevio was born the son of Gaspar and Antonia (Ramirez) Surita on March 5, 1926, in Sabinal, TX.   He was united in marriage to Dolores Juarez on October 18, 1951, in Juneau.   Usevio had retired after 38 years from Mayville Limestone Inc. where he had worked as a supervisor, leaving behind a legacy of hard work and commitment.   He was a longtime member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Woodland, serving his parish on the church council and as a communion server. Usevio enjoyed many hobbies, including working with small engines, gardening, and fishing. He also enjoyed sports, playing pool in the Mayville Wednesday Night Pool League, until he was 95 years old. He enjoyed watching golf, baseball, football, Gunsmoke, Price is Right, Jeopardy, and the WWE.    Usevio enjoyed family time with his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He especially loved watching his grandchildren in sporting events, and visiting with his great-great-grandchildren.   Usevio is survived by his loving and extensive family, a testament to the love and care he shared throughout his life. His children, Alicia Vera of Pleasanton, TX, Beatrice (Virgil) Frank, Jr. of Savannah, TN, Yolanda (Gary Eilbes) Pillsbury of Mayville, Norma (Steve Brillhart) Surita of Tucson, AZ, Bob (Juana) Surita of Milwaukee, Antonio Surita of Oshkosh, Irma Surita of Milwaukee and David (Kathy) Surita of Twin Lakes; his 21 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, and 22 great-great-grandchildren. He is further survived by nieces, nephews, relatives, and many friends. All will miss him dearly.   He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Dolores; son, Usevio Surita, Jr.; brothers, Remigio and Felipe; and his sister, Francesca Salinas.   A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Tuesday, July 16, at 11 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Catholic Church in Neosho with the Rev. Fr. Justin Lopina presiding. A visitation was held at the Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville on Monday, July 15, from 4 to 7 p.m. and again at the church in Neosho on Monday from 10 to 11 a.m. Interment took place at St. Mary Catholic Cemetery in Woodland.   The family of Usevio would like to express their heartfelt gratitude to the staff of Aurora at Home Hospice, for the exceptional care and support shown to Usevio and his family during this difficult time.  Your kindness and compassion have been a source of comfort and strength.   Memorials in memory of Usevio may be directed to St. Matthews Parish in Neosho.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
10 July 2024


Robert “Bob” LaBlanc

Robert “Bob” LaBlanc

   On July 4th, 2024, Robert (Bob) J. LaBlanc, beloved hus­band of Grace (Meyer) LaBlanc and lov­ing fa­ther of Debra LaBlanc, Kris­ten LaBlanc, Nancy Wolfe, and Brian LaBlanc, passed away at Clearview Nurs­ing Home in Juneau.    Born De­cem­ber 22, 1940, to Philip and Helen (Etten) LaBlanc, he had an ac­tive child­hood grow­ing up in Stan­ley, where he played bas­ket­ball, foot­ball, and de­vel­oped a life­long love of hunt­ing.   He re­lo­cated to Mil­wau­kee where he met Grace, ul­ti­mately lead­ing to a lov­ing, life­long mar­riage. He also served in the United States Air Force for a time in Alaska be­fore set­tling per­ma­nently back in Wis­con­sin where he worked, raised his fam­ily, and coached many grades of school bas­ket­ball.   He is sur­vived by his wife and his four chil­dren; his sis­ter, Sharone Zielke; his 11 grand­chil­dren; and six great-grand­chil­dren.    He was pre­ceded by his par­ents, Philip and Helen LaBlanc; and his sis­ter, Mau­reen Fisch.    He was a man who was loved by any who met him, never shy and an eager sto­ry­teller. He was a lover of birds, a pas­sion­ate sports player and fan, and a life­long hunter that he gen­er­ously shared with fam­ily and friends. His char­ac­ter brought a smile to all and he was a tes­ta­ment to a life filled with laugh­ter, joy, and love. He will be deeply missed and lov­ingly re­mem­bered as every­one who had the good for­tune to know him was left bet­ter.   A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will take place on July 19, at 11 a.m. at Sa­cred Heart Catholic Church in Hori­con with the Rev. Fr. Mark Brandl pre­sid­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion will be held from 10 a.m. until the time of the ser­vice at the church. Mil­i­tary Hon­ors will be con­ducted by the Hori­con Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #157.   In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als in mem­ory of Bob may be di­rected to the Dodge County Hu­mane So­ci­ety.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Hori­con is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
05 July 2024


Peter Paul Gebauer

Peter Paul Gebauer

 Peter Paul Gebauer, 81, of Hori­con, passed away on Mon­day, July 1, 2024, at SSM Health St. Agnes Hos­pi­tal in Fond du Lac.    Peter was born the son of Ewald and Jo­hanna (Novak) Gebauer on Oc­to­ber 23, 1942, in Ger­many.   He was united in mar­riage to Sherry Get­z­man on No­vem­ber 2, 1985, at St. Stephen Lutheran Church in Hori­con.   Peter had worked as a metal fin­isher and re­tired from MEC in Mayville after 17 years.   He was a mem­ber of Zion Lutheran Church in Hori­con.   In his spare time, Peter and his wife, Sherry, loved to travel and had many trips all over the coun­try and abroad. One of his fa­vorite trips he al­ways looked for­ward to were their trips up to Door County and es­pe­cially Wash­ing­ton Is­land. Peter en­joyed most of his time being out­doors and tak­ing care of his gar­dens and beau­ti­ful roses. After a hard day of work, you would find him sit­ting out on the deck with a cold drink in his hand. He was proud of his Ger­man and Aus­tralian her­itage and was an ex­cel­lent cook spe­cial­iz­ing in his many Ger­man spe­cial­ties.   Peter was a proud fa­ther of his three daugh­ters, and an even more so of being a grand­fa­ther to his three pre­cious grand­chil­dren. Fam­ily meant the world to him. He al­ways loved learn­ing about their many ac­com­plish­ments. You would al­ways hear Peter share his sto­ries of when he lived in Aus­tralia, es­pe­cially when he used to ocean surf fish off the many gor­geous Aus­tralian beaches and about his time work­ing on the ocean oil rigs build­ing off­shore pipelines.   In his more re­cent years, Peter en­joyed going to the TAG Cen­ter in Mayville with his wife Sherry to ex­er­cise, but more im­por­tantly so­cial­ize with the many friends he made there. He also had a love in lis­ten­ing to many dif­fer­ent types of music, which car­ried over into his chil­dren’s lives. He al­ways loved pick­ing his weekly lot­tery num­bers and even en­joyed a trip to the casino a time or two.    Peter is sur­vived by his wife, Sherry of Hori­con; his daugh­ters, Corinna (Michael) Klemm and Jo­hanna (Mick Ross) Gebauer, both of Glad­stone, Queens­land, Aus­tralia, and Tiffany (Scott Rohloff) Gebauer of Wa­ter­town; his sis­ters, Terry Birgmann of IL and Chris­tel Blanken­ship of ME; his grand­chil­dren, Lil­lian Rohloff, Bryn­den Ross, and Kai­son Ross; fur­ther sur­vived by nieces, nephews, other rel­a­tives, and friends.   Peter was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents.   A pri­vate fam­ily memo­r­ial ser­vice will take place.   Spe­cial thanks to the staff of SSM Health St. Agnes Hos­pi­tal for the care and sup­port shown to Peter and his fam­ily.    Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com
03 July 2024


Bernice L. (Kintopp) Kuntz

Bernice L. (Kintopp) Kuntz

   Ber­nice L. (Kin­topp) Kuntz of Juneau, 87, passed away on Sun­day, June 30, 2024, at Clearview in Juneau, sur­rounded by her lov­ing fam­ily.   Ber­nice was born on June 2, 1937, in Alder­ley, the daugh­ter of Edwin and Leonora (Fredrick) Kin­topp.   She grad­u­ated from Win­nebago Lutheran Acad­emy in Fond du Lac with plans to be­come a teacher.   She was mar­ried on Au­gust 11, 1956 to Rus­sell R. Kuntz, at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Juneau.   She was a life­long mem­ber of Zion Lutheran Church, Bur­nett. She was a Sun­day School teacher for more than 20 years and a mem­ber of the choir.   Ber­nice babysat for many chil­dren over the years in her home and she would al­ways make them part of the fam­ily. She later worked at ShopKo, Clearview, and Dol­lar Gen­eral.   A mem­ber of the Amer­i­can Le­gion Aux­il­iary Post #15 for over 65 years serv­ing as Pres­i­dent and His­to­rian. She began the Ju­nior Aux­il­iary and co­or­di­nated their ef­forts. Gen­eral Leader of the Juneau Vic­to­ri­ans 4-H club and started the Junc­tion Jays 4-H club. She was an ac­tive mem­ber of the Dodge Cen­tre His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety in Juneau, act­ing as Pres­i­dent and later sec­re­tary for over 20 years.   Ber­nice cher­ished her fam­ily. She would make fam­ily gath­er­ings spe­cial in some way to add her spe­cial touch. Her pres­ence will be greatly missed. She en­joyed trav­el­ing, plan­ning the sum­mer road trips for the fam­ily, puz­zles, pho­tog­ra­phy, his­tory, and al­ways learn­ing.   She is sur­vived by two sons, Terry (Deb) Kuntz of De Pere, William Kuntz of Juneau; one daugh­ter, Jane (Paul Ret­tler) Hooper of Wa­ter­town; two grand­sons, Adam (Mon­ica) Hooper of Iron Ridge, Kyle (Megan) Kuntz of De Pere; one grand­daugh­ter, Stephanie (Do­minic) Reine­rio of De Pere; three great-grand­sons, Beck­ham Reine­rio, Zeke Reine­rio, Ryker Kuntz; three great-grand­daugh­ters, Rylee Hooper, Averie Hooper, Harper Kuntz; one sis­ter, LaV­erne Fis­cher of Waupun; dear­est friend of the fam­ily, Roger Hooper of Cham­pion, MI; nieces, nephews, rel­a­tives and friends.   She was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents; her hus­band in 1990; one in­fant son, Cur­tis Kuntz; two sis­ters, Mil­dred Hamil­ton and Shirley Kin­topp; one step-grand­son, Danny Hooper.   A vis­i­ta­tion was held on July 5, from 10 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. at Zion Ev. Lutheran Church in Bur­nett. Fu­neral ser­vices fol­lowed at noon at the church in Bur­nett. The Rev. Tim­o­thy Sal­lach of­fi­ci­ated. Grave­side ser­vices were at Juneau City Ceme­tery, Juneau, at 2:15 p.m.   In lieu of flow­ers con­sider memo­ri­als to Zion Lutheran Church, Bur­nett.   The Koepsell-Mur­ray Fu­neral Home in Beaver Dam is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com


01 July 2024


Nancy L. Katherine Wanie

Nancy L. Katherine Wanie

   Nancy L. Katherine Wanie, 83, of Rolling Prairie, passed away peacefully on Saturday, June 29, 2024, at the Remembrance Home in Beaver Dam.   Nancy was born the daughter of Leonard and Esther (Guenther) Kurkowski on October 23, 1940, in Beaver Dam.   She was a 1958 graduate of Horicon High School and then went on to study at Patricia Stevens Finishing School in Milwaukee.   Nancy was united in marriage to Lee Wanie on October 25, 1958, at St. Malachy’s Catholic Church in Horicon.   She was a lifelong member of St. Malachy’s Catholic Church, now known as Sacred Heart in Horicon. She served her parish in many capacities and enjoyed volunteering when there was a need. Nancy enjoyed crafts and was a great cook and baker.    Nancy is survived by her husband of 65 years, Lee of Rolling Prairie; her children, Todd (Lisa) Wanie of Farmersville, Tammy (Steve) Lenert of Fond du Lac, Andrew (Julie) Wanie of Jackson, Steven (Michelle) Wanie of Horicon, Joseph (Keri Roll Hinshaw) Wanie of Rolling Prairie, Jennifer (Luke Bostwick) Schwanke of West Bend, and son-in-law, Terry (Kristine) Feil of Randolph; her special niece, Judi Simmonds of Duluth, MN; her 20 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. Further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends.   She was preceded in death by her parents; her daughter, Lori Feil; and sisters, Shirley Harris and Marion Gilbertson.   A Mass of Christian Burial took place on Saturday, July 6, at noon with the Rev. Fr. Mark Brandl presiding at Sacred Heart Parish in Horicon. A visitation was held from 9 a.m. until noon at the church. A private family interment took place at Oak Hill Cemetery in Horicon.   Special thanks to the staff of the Remembrance Home and SSM Hospice in Fond du Lac.   In lieu of flowers, memorials in memory of Nancy can be directed to Sacred Heart Parish in Horicon.   Koepsell Funeral Home in Horicon is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com


Ronald “Ron” Albert Dobbert

Ronald “Ron” Albert Dobbert

   Ronald “Ron” Al­bert Dob­bert, 87, of Mayville, passed away peace­fully on Fri­day, June 21, 2024, sur­rounded by his lov­ing fam­ily.    Ron was born on Au­gust 8, 1936, to Arnold Sr. and Helen (Biertzer) Dob­bert in Mayville.   After grad­u­at­ing from Mayville High School in 1955, he proudly served his coun­try in Alaska until 1957.   On Sep­tem­ber 26, 1959, he mar­ried the love of his life, An­ge­line “Angie” Ertl, and to­gether they built a beau­ti­ful life sur­rounded by fam­ily and friends.   In his early years, while busy rais­ing a fam­ily, Ron was an avid trap shooter. He en­joyed snow­mo­bil­ing, rides on the mo­tor­cy­cle and a good cigar. Many week­ends were en­joyed to­gether, in Shawano.   After 36 years of ser­vice, Ron re­tired from Met­al­craft of Mayville in 1996, as En­gi­neer­ing Man­ager. In his re­tire­ment he found hap­pi­ness in the sim­ple plea­sures of life, whether it was moped rides with his wife, week­ends at their prop­erty in Adams County, pon­toon rides on Cas­tle Rock Lake, coun­try music, a medium rare steak, or an Old Fash­ioned.   Ron ded­i­cated his life to fam­ily and dis­cov­ered so much joy in sup­port­ing his grand­chil­dren and great-grand­chil­dren in sport­ing events and school ac­tiv­i­ties. He was a ded­i­cated fan.   To­gether, Ron and Angie looked for­ward to their an­nual trips to Ari­zona to spend time with fam­ily. He was best known as the fam­ily handy­man. His com­pas­sion­ate spirit and will­ing­ness to help oth­ers made a last­ing im­pact on those for­tu­nate enough to know him. While bat­tling ag­gres­sive de­men­tia, he con­tin­ued to show love, com­pas­sion and humor. He is loved deeply by his fam­ily and will be re­mem­bered warmly for his de­ter­mi­na­tion and strong work ethic, along with his gen­eros­ity, knowl­edge, cre­ativ­ity, and fun-lov­ing ap­proach to life.    Ron is sur­vived by his lov­ing wife of 64 years, Angie; chil­dren, Rhonda Schellpf­ef­fer (Gordy) and Mark Dob­bert (Mary Fi­rari); grand­chil­dren, Natasha Mueller (Scott), Nicholas Dob­bert (Amanda) and Devan Schellpf­ef­fer (Tiffany); great-grand­chil­dren, Avery, Vaeda, Hailie, Jaxon, Orrin, Beau and Adley; step-great-grand­son, Logan; his sib­lings, Robert “Bob” Dob­bert (Karen), Arnold Jr. “Skip” Dob­bert (Leone), and Sharon Matt­son (Jim); in-laws, Leone Dob­bert (Skip), Cur­tis Bowen (Cheryl Barna), Tracy Bowen (Lori Papke), Bea Broege, and Mar­garet Phafl. He is fur­ther sur­vived by other fam­ily and friends.   He was pre­ceded in death by his par­ents; his fa­ther-in-law, Al­bert Ertl; mother-in-law, Mary Ertl Bowen; broth­ers in-law, Hank Ertl and Den­nis Ertl; and niece, Janet Ertl.   A Memo­r­ial Ser­vice for Ron will take place on Wednes­day, July 10, at 4 p.m. at Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville with Rev. Fr. Mark Bran­del pre­sid­ing. A vis­i­ta­tion for Ron will take place on Wednes­day, July 10, at the Koepsell Fu­neral Home at 2:30 p.m. until the time of the ser­vice at 4 p.m. Fol­low­ing the ser­vice, mil­i­tary hon­ors will be con­ducted by the Mayville Amer­i­can Le­gion Post #69.   The fam­ily wishes to ex­press a heart­felt thank you to the staff at Cross­roads Care Cen­ter of Mayville and SSM Hos­pice. Your care and kind­ness will al­ways be re­mem­bered.   Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com
24 June 2024


Marvin George Franke

Marvin George Franke

Marvin George Franke, age 88, of Mayville, passed away peacefully on Thursday, June 20, 2024, surrounded by his loving family.  Marvin was born on July 31, 1935, to George and Adela (Giese) Franke in the Town of Herman. He graduated from Mayville High School in 1954. Marvin proudly served his country in the United States Army from 1955-1957. He was united in marriage to Darlene Muche on April 25, 1959, at Zum Kripplein Christi Lutheran Church.     Marvin worked for 45 years at Tab Products. He was a faithful member of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Mayville where he also served as an usher and on many committees.     He loved bowling and playing sheepshead with great enthusiasm. For 58 years, he treasured his country home, where he loved spending time with his family and raising ducks and chickens. His children and grandchildren brought him immense pride, and he found joy in visiting the casino. A loyal supporter of the Packers, Brewers, and Bucks, he held season tickets for the Green Bay Packers for 60 years! He even witnessed the iconic Ice Bowl game at Lambeau in 1967.    Marvin is survived by his loving wife, Darlene; children, Cindy (Larry) Margelofsky, Scott Franke, and Robin (Shannon) Niccum; grandchildren, Lara Disney, Brock Margelofsky, Sarah O’Hearn, Matt Franke, Kassie Schultz, Alex Franke, Kayla Picha, Collin Niccum, and Kelcy Niccum; great-grandchildren, Kholten, Finn, Knox, Rye, Paisley, Payton, and Rowan; sisters-in-law, Karen Rediske, Sandra Muche and Diana Muche. Marvin is further survived by other relatives and friends.    Marvin was preceded in death by his parents and siblings.  Funeral services for Marvin will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 2 p.m. at St. John’s Ev. Lutheran Church in Mayville with Rev. Dr. Mark Cutler and Rev. Joshua Frazee officiating. A visitation for Marvin will take place on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at church from 12 p.m. until the time of service at 2 p.m. Following the service, interment will take place at St. John’s Cemetery in Mayville with graveside military honors conducted by the Mayville American Legion Post #69.     The family extends their heartfelt gratitude to the entire team at Hope Health and Rehab Center as well as St. Croix Hospice for their exceptional dedication in providing personalized care.    Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is caring for the family. www.Koepsellfh.com.
21 June 2024


Paul Brian Sukowatey

Paul Brian Sukowatey

Paul Brian Sukowatey, age 56 from South Byron, passed into eternal peace and the loving arms of his God and Savior in heaven on Sunday, June 16. Paul’s death was the tragic result of a motorcycle vs. deer accident. Paul was the youngest of six children born to Edward and Rosemary (nee Thurk) Sukowatey. Paul was born on May 6, 1968, at St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac. He grew up in South Byron and attended school and graduated from Oakfield. Paul continued his education at Moraine Park Technical College in Fond du Lac, earning his degree in Industrial Engineering. He was employed at Mercury Marine in Fond du Lac. Paul enjoyed riding his motorcycles since he was a teenager. He loved riding anywhere, at any time with friends or on his own. Paul had a great love for animals and shared his home with his cat, Nala. Paul chose the blessing to donate his organs to be the gift of life to others. He was a free spirit and truly an individual that chose his own path in life and lived it to the fullest. Survivors include his siblings, Jim and Linda Sukowatey of Brownsville, Mike and Julie Sukowatey of Brownsville, Jim and Kathy (Sukowatey) Dins of Clintonville, Carol (Sukowatey) Lamb of Rockton, IL, and Robert Sukowatey of South Byron; many nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Paul is preceded in death by his parents, Edward and Rosemary Sukowatey; an infant baby brother; beloved aunts anduncles and cousins. A celebration of Paul’s life will take place at the Brownsville Community Center at 4 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, 2024, with Rev. Nathaniel Miniatt presiding. A visitation will take place from 2-4 p.m. at the Brownsville Community Center. Inurnment will take place at St. John Catholic Cemetery in Byron. The family wishes to extend their sincere gratitude and thank you to all the emergency response teams, law enforcement, fire departments, Theda Clark Regional Medical Center ICU staff and doctors for their care and comfort to Paul and all the family and friends. We also commend the UW Organ and Tissue Donation Organization for aiding the family to fulfill Paul’s wishes to donate his organs. The family asks that in lieu of flowers to please consider memorials in Paul’s name to his favorite charities, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Wounded Warrior Project, The Boys and Girls Club of Fond du Lac, the USO, the Salvation Army, along with monetary donations to the UW Organ and Tissue Donation Organization in Madison. Koepsell Funeral Home in Mayville is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com
17 June 2024


Marvin Alfred Marohl

Marvin Alfred Marohl

Marvin Alfred Marohl, 85, of Burnett, WI passed away Thursday, June 13, 2024, at home surrounded by his family. Marvin was born September 22, 1938, to Alfred and Selma (Berndt) Marohl. He was born and raised in Burnett on his family farm. He graduated from Horicon High School in 1956. He volunteered with the Burnett Fire Department, was a member of the TT Riders Snowmobile Club, and a member of the Future Farmers of America. Marvin was united in marriage with Lucille Kahlhamer on October 29, 1960. Marvin was an active lifetime member of Immanuel Lutheran church in North Burnett. Marvin farmed the family farm with his son. He loved working in the fields, milking the cows, and staying busy by tinkering in the shop building things and taking things apart to figure out how they were built. He also enjoyed his Sunday drives, spending time with family and his dogs, and polka dancing. Marvin is survived by his wife, Lucille Marohl; their four children, Lisa (Doug) Braun, Connie (Kevin) Burnett, Vicki (Dave) Kelly, and Mark Marohl; their three grandchildren, Jonathan (Stephanie) Braun, Alicia (Austin) Schultz, and Avery Kelly; six great-grandchildren, Dana Braun, Remington Braun, Ryan Braun, Hudson Schrader-Braun, Braelynn Schultz, and Blakely Schultz. Marvin was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Marilyn Koontz; and brother-in-law, Jerry Koontz. A funeral service will be held on Friday, June 21, at 1 p.m. at the Koepsell Murray Funeral Home in Beaver Dam with the Rev. Timothy Sallach officiating. A visitation will be held from 11 a.m. until the time of the service at 1 p.m. at the funeral home. Interment will take place at Burnett Union Cemetery in Burnett. Koepsell Funeral Home in Beaver Dam is serving the family. www.KoepsellFH.com