10 July 2019


Eleanor Kulow  Loved To Read

Eleanor Kulow Loved To Read

Continued From... Eleanor Kulow Loved To Read According to library director Stephanie Wagner, they kept a folder at the library with a list of the books Eleanor had already read and the ones they thought she would like to read. “Nancy was really good at making sure Eleanor had what she needed,” Wagner said. Friends of Eleanor and the library would deliver the books to her at



“Heroes And Homebodies”

“Heroes And Homebodies”

“Heroes And Homebodies” Campbellsport Community Theater is presenting two One-Act Plays this summer. The title given to the show gives an idea on what the stories are about. One, “War Letters,” is a serious show about the family left behind when a loved one is deployed to a war zone. The story is told by letters sent to and received from their loved one. The other, “Squish,” is






Fond du Lac Soccer Association  Awards Five Scholarships

Fond du Lac Soccer Association Awards Five Scholarships

Fond du Lac Soccer Association Awards Five Scholarships Fond du Lac Soccer Association (FDLSA) recently awarded $250 scholarships to five of its past players: Blake Czyzewski, Shea-Lynn Gerred, Bradley Leach, Katerina Newman, and Abby Ruplinger. Eligibility for these scholarships requires having played on a FDLSA team for at least four years, though most spent many more years sporting Fondy


Coach P’s

Coach P’s

Coach P’s Cor ner This, That, And The Other Thing THIS last week, my daughter and I attended a fantastic concert at Summerfest in Milwaukee. We went to see the band “CHRVCHES” headline the Miller Lite Stage. It was 8 p.m. when we arrived for the 10 p.m. show, we wanted to get really good seats. Well we got good seats, ones we never imagined. Two Summerfest ladies come up to my
