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Susan H. (Schraufnagel) Wiese

Susan H. (Schraufnagel) Wiese Susan H. (Schraufnagel) Wiese
   Susan H. (Schrauf­nagel) Wiese, 85, of rural Mayville passed away peace­fully on March 4, 2022, at Sage Meadow Mem­ory Care in Fond du Lac with her fam­ily at her side.
Susie was born on Oc­to­ber 18, 1936, in the Town of LeRoy, the old­est daugh­ter of An­drew P. and Mary P. (Feucht) Schrauf­nagel.
   She at­tended Lomira Pub­lic Schools. On June 30, 1956, she was united in mar­riage to Don­ald I. Wiese at St. An­drew’s Catholic Church in LeRoy. To­gether, they raised five won­der­ful chil­dren.
Susie was a de­voted wife, mother, grand­mother, great-grand­mother, daugh­ter and sis­ter. She cher­ished the time spent with her fam­ily. She loved to sew, cro­chet and do var­i­ous craft­work. Her large gar­den is where you could find her every spring through fall, can­ning al­most every­thing she grew to feed her fam­ily. She looked for­ward to the fall of each year so she could pick hick­ory nuts, then spent the win­ters crack­ing and pre­serv­ing nuts for many peo­ple. Susie worked at Koll­man’s Ko­rner in LeRoy al­most 40 years as a wait­ress and also bak­ing her fa­mous pies. She loved her chil­dren dearly and al­ways made time to bake some­thing spe­cial for them, even as adults. She en­joyed teach­ing her grand­chil­dren how to gar­den, can and pre­serve, cook, bake and play games. Tak­ing the grand­chil­dren along to local farmer’s mar­kets, sell­ing gar­den pro­duce is some­thing the grand­chil­dren will all re­mem­ber as some of their fa­vorite mem­o­ries of time spent with Grandma and Grandpa. Known as “GG” to her great grand­chil­dren, she adored the lit­tle ones and loved to hug them and lis­ten to their sto­ries. Susie was a woman of great faith, faith she cel­e­brated as a life­long mem­ber of St. An­drew’s Catholic Church in LeRoy. Singing in the church choir filled her with pride. She es­pe­cially loved singing for church fu­ner­als – her last op­por­tu­nity to honor a fel­low church mem­ber. Susie and Don loved to play BINGO to­gether and she con­tin­ued play­ing with friends after Don passed away in 2016 (al­ways hop­ing to win the big one!).
Susie leaves be­hind her five chil­dren, who she was so proud of: Don (Joan) Wiese, Cheryl (Scott) Strook, Glenn (Dar­lene) Wiese, Duane (Sue) Wiese and Char­lene (Aaron) Rauls. She was blessed with 16 won­der­ful grand­chil­dren, Kathryn (Kurt) Hintz, Car­rie (Nick) Tib­bott, Colleen (Andy) Giese, Mi­randa (Dustin) Beck, Aleana (Ryan) Rodig, Cody (Sara) Strook, Mitchel (Faith) Wiese, Dar­ren (Gabrielle) Wiese, Jes­sica (Nick) Palm, We­ston (Genna An­dreae) Wiese, Bran­don (Rachael) Wiese, Aaron (Erica) Wiese, Cay­den (Eliz­a­beth Vang) Wiese, Cassie Immel, Kayla (Tim) Simon and Kyle Immel. See­ing her 23 great-grand­chil­dren al­ways brought a smile to her face. Susie is fur­ther sur­vived by her sib­lings, Ken­neth (Theresa) Schrauf­nagel, Ruth (Wayne) Margelof­sky, Dorothy (Dick) Fink, An­drew (Bon­nie) Schrauf­nagel and Ar­lene Pierog. She is also sur­vived by her in-laws, Dorothy Loest, Ed Wiese, Al­fred (Ar­lene) Wiese, Eu­gene (Mary) Wiese, Chuck (Dar­lene Bint­zler) Wiese, Mar­cella (Mar­vin) Klemp, Mar­garet Brandl and Alvin (Pen­nae) Wiese. She is fur­ther sur­vived by many nieces, nephews, other fam­ily and friends.
In ad­di­tion to her hus­band, par­ents and in-laws, Alvin H. and Alma E. (Koll­mann) Wiese, Susie was pre­ceded in death by her brother, Eu­gene Schrauf­nagel, and other rel­a­tives.
A Mass of Chris­t­ian Bur­ial will be held at St. An­drew’s Catholic Church with Rev. Fr. Tom Bier­sack pre­sid­ing on March 10, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. Susie’s fam­ily will greet rel­a­tives and friends at the church from 10:30 a.m. until the time of ser­vice. A pri­vate fam­ily in­urn­ment will take place at St. An­drew’s Ceme­tery, LeRoy, at a later date. In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als to St. An­drew’s Catholic Church would be ap­pre­ci­ated by the fam­ily.
The fam­ily wishes to thank the staff at Sage Meadow Mem­ory Care in Fond du Lac as well as Pre­cep­tor Hos­pice for the lov­ing, com­pas­sion­ate, at­ten­tive care they pro­vided Susie in her final days.
Proverbs 31:31:
“Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is serv­ing the fam­ily. www.​KoepsellFH.​com