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Christina Jean Weddig

Christina Jean Weddig Christina Jean Weddig

Christina Jean Wed­dig passed away on July 16, 2024, after the sud­den es­ca­la­tion of a long ill­ness.
She was born on De­cem­ber 17, 1971, to Carol (nee Minz) and Ken­neth Wed­dig of Ke­waskum.
Tina was a lov­ing daugh­ter, sis­ter and aunt. Her time work­ing at the Boys & Girls Club in­spired her to be­come a ded­i­cated and tire­less ed­u­ca­tor, teach­ing at South Doyle Mid­dle School, as well as Green Mag­net and Beau­mont Mag­net Acad­e­mies in Knoxville, TN.
Tina was de­voted to her pets, Cop­per and Smokey. She took plea­sure in spoil­ing her nieces and nephews Is­rael, Se­bas­t­ian, Ruby and Eleanor. Tina was a care­giver at heart, al­ways a com­mit­ted voice of rea­son for her fam­ily and friends. A life­long Green Bay Packer fan, Tina spent her free time ad­ven­tur­ing and tak­ing beau­ti­ful pho­tographs, most often in the Smoky Moun­tains. She sought out wa­ter­falls, black bears, birds, but­ter­flies and wild­flow­ers.
Tina is sur­vived in death by her par­ents, Ken­neth and Carol Wed­dig; sib­lings, Greg (Nicole) and Christo­pher (Melissa) and Gretchen; nephew, Is­rael (Michael), and nieces, Ruby and Eleanor.
“Only worry about the things you can do some­thing about.”
A Cel­e­bra­tion of Tina’s Life will be planned for both Ten­nessee and Wis­con­sin at a fu­ture date to be an­nounced on Face­book. Memo­ri­als may be made in Tina’s mem­ory to Friends of The Smok­ies, P. O. Box 1660, Kodak, TN 37764.
Arrange­ments by Cre­ma­tion Op­tions, Inc. (865)6WE-CARE (693-2273) www.​cre​mati​onop​tion​sinc.​com.
