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Carol Weber Leininger

Carol Weber Leininger Carol Weber Leininger
   Car­olyn Weber Leininger, 97, passed away peace­fully after a long ill­ness on Sun­day, Oct. 13, 2024, at As­cen­sion Liv­ing Alex­ian Vil­lage in Mil­wau­kee.
   She was born, a twin, on April 18, 1927, in Camp­bell­sport. She was a grad­u­ate from Camp­bell­sport High School in 1945; and also from Beauty Col­lege in Mil­wau­kee.
She was pre­ceded in death by her hus­band, William Leininger; par­ents Rein­hold and Alice Weber; brother, Allan Weber, broth­ers-in-law, Richard Nirschl and Harold Bi­en­venu; sis­ter-in-law, Therese Schlae­fer Weber.
Those sur­viv­ing her in­clude her son, William Leininger, Jr., and wife, Bar­bara of Med­ford, OR; broth­ers, Bob Weber, her twin, She­boy­gan Falls; Eu­gene Weber, Fond du Lac; Don Weber (Judy), Oshkosh; sis­ters, Eloise Weber Bi­en­venu, West Cov­ina, CA; Mau­reen Weber Nirschl, Long­mont, CO; Mary Alice Weber Met­zler, Modesto, CA; sis­ter-in-law, Noreen Teske Weber, Mil­wau­kee; and many nieces and nephews and friends.
Her fu­neral ser­vice was held in the Chapel at As­cen­sion Liv­ing Alex­ian Vil­lage, Mil­wau­kee on Oc­to­ber 19, 2024.
Church and Chapel Fu­neral Home, Mil­wau­kee, WI were in charge of arrange­ments.